Fourth announcement

Fourth announcement:

Dear Participants of the OSD 2018 Conference,

We are happy to welcome you in Cadiz in some days. At the moment, approximately 60 people confirmed their participation in OSD, and about 50 talks are planned without parallel sessions.

A tentative conference program is presented at the conference website: Link to “Conference Programme”.

Also you can get the of the Official Conference Poster OSD2018 in this link.

If you have any request about the dates and times of your talks or you find misspelled words, please inform us as soon as possible. Changes submitted after 15thTuesday will not be included in the abstract book.

We recall that information about how to arrive Cádiz is in our webpage: Link to “Travel Details”.

Nevertheless, if you have some difficulties please inform us as soon as possible in order to help you to get your hotel in Cádiz.

As you know, Cádiz is located in the South of the South of Europe so warm temperatures are expected in May. However, because we are influenced by the Atlantic Ocean it could be a little cool during the afternoon-night depending on the wind.

Have a nice trip.

Looking forward to seeing you in Cádiz soon,

The Local Organizing Committee.